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Conflict Resolution — A Foundation

A husband and a wife bring to the marriage different backgrounds, experiences, expectations, and views on life. This is true of Muslim couples as well, despite having a shared belief …

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I Wonder…

I wonder… if man-made problems wreak more havoc than natural disasters ever do, if the problems we create are worse than adversities falling upon us. Nature can wipe out a …

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Supporting Neurodivergent Muslims

Between 10 and 20 percent of the global population is considered neurodivergent, according to research cited on an article on the World Economic Forum website.  Statistically speaking, that means that …

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Mexico, Muslims, and Cinco De Mayo

As May unfolds and the promise of flowers after April showers is fulfilled, we find ourselves in the middle of another vibrant spring. With Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr behind us, the …