Developmental psychology proposes that everything that happens to us impacts, to lesser or greater degree, the way our brain develops. So, on top of our basic brain structure and inherent …
It’s Your Life – Balance It with Your Faith
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with life — school, career choices, family, friends, social activism, political involvement, worship, etc. Sometimes you just wonder, “where is the right balance.” Being a …
Preparing Youth for Success in Life, Service, and Leadership
Looking metaphorically at the phenomenon of the “butterfly effect,” wherein, theoretically, the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Japan could cause a tornado in Texas, it is likewise conceivable that the …
The Five Necessities
The conversation never gets old. Two parents are standing at the edge of the Masjid, on the verge of losing their kids to the crowd. It appears that the influence …
Protecting Our Muslim Youth in a Gender-fluid and Hyper-sexual Society
When I was invited to write an article about preparing youth for marriage, I eagerly agreed. I was excited to tackle the topic, not because this has become my field …
Detecting Early Signs of Risk in Our Youth
Young children and teens today are bombarded from all around them via fellow peers, enticing ads, music, movies, and more, all calling them to engage in harmful behaviors. They are …
Tailoring Programs to Meet the Needs of Underserved Muslim Youth
It is common to enter the masjid and see adults over thirty and small children under the age of ten. However, unless a concerted effort is made to offer youth …
Seeking His Shade: Growing up in the Worship of God
Have you ever heard the saying — Youth is wasted on the young? Those of us who can still lay claim to being young often have no real sense of …
Shining Young Muslimah: Interview with Arfa Aijazi
Arfa Aijazi is a student at one of the best colleges in America, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), an institution that has served as the educator of some of the …