Publicado en inglés el 29 de septiembre de 2021 en The Message International ( Traducido al español por Pablo Porcel ( El pasado 11 de septiembre se cumplieron veinte años …
Soap Operas and the Reawakening of Islam in Latin America
This past September 11 marked twenty years since the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City that sent shock waves all over the world. When Muslims were …
Representation Matters: Islamic Books for and with Latino Children
Fifteen years ago, my husband and I, both Latino converts to Islam, welcomed our first son to this world. Alhamdulillah, he was the first Muslim child born into our families, …
Striking a Balance in a Superhero Culture
The entertainment industry is shifting towards an inclusive and diverse assemblage of characters, now more than ever, without overlooking its global Muslim audience. One example is the film produced by …
Combating Racial Bias in the U.S. and in the Muslim Community
Can you recall the first time you heard about or were directly affected by racial bias, colorism, or any other type of discrimination? Although I never experienced bigotry firsthand until …
Hispanic Heritage: Intertwined with Islamic Heritage
Hispanic Heritage Month is observed annually in the United States from the 15th of September to the 15th of October. It began as Hispanic Heritage Week in 1968 and was …
Caregiving: An Act of Worship Often Overlooked
“It is not righteousness that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but righteous is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels …
La importancia de los 40 años en el Islam
Me convertí al Islam a la edad de 20 años, y fue un momento decisivo en mi vida. Faltaba poco para que cumpliera 21 años, y mis amigas esperaban que …
The Islamic Significance of Age 40
I embraced Islam at the age of 20, alhamdulillah, and that was a turning point in my life. It was only a few months before my 21st birthday, which my …
El mes de Ramadán al estilo latino
El mes de Ramadán al estilo latino: Una entrevista con el Licenciado Jamal Abdul-Karim – El Licenciado Jamal A. (Díaz) Abdul-Karim es el director de la División Superior de la …