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Divine Call for Helping Humanity

Right from his conception until he breathes his last, man faces problems, difficulties, risks and dangers. These challenges may be in the form of health hazards, diseases, mental disorders, economic …

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Zakah: Understanding Divine Mercy

Zakah is a well-known financial obligation in an Islamic society. It is obligatory on every mentally sound and financially strong adult who has money saved for one year. This extraordinary …

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The Global Financial Crisis

Ideas for Long Term Solutions By Monzer Kahf , Ph.D. The crisis began in the US real estate market; however, its indications had previously appeared in the end of 2007. …

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“Perhaps the world was never in greater need of an accurate account of Prophet Muhammad’s life than it is now.” So states Adil Salahi, author of Muhammad: Man and Prophet. …

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Ecumenism of the Zanzibar Swahili

“The language of Zanzibar par excellence is Swahili, and Zanzibar may be said to be the home of this language. After the days of opening up of Africa, explorers (Missionaries) …