
The Comfort Zone and the Courage Zone

Published January 12, 2011

By Sobia Pervez

Putting your first things first takes courage and will often cause you to stretch outside of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone represents things that you are familiar with, places you know, friends you are content with, and activities you enjoy doing. Your comfort zone is risk free.

On the other hand, things like making new friends, speaking in public, or sticking up for your values leads you outside of the comfort zone. This is called your courage zone! Adventure, risk, and challenge are included here. Everything that makes us uncomfortable is found in this zone. In this zone, there is uncertainty, pressure, change, and the possibility of failure. This is a zone that is really difficult to overcome, but we cannot let our fears make decisions for us.

Once you are comfortable with both of these zones together, you will be a better individual. For you to be successful, you have to deal with different situations even if you do not like them.

Sobia PervezAuthor Sobia Pervez is a fulltime stay at home mother of three children and holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology.

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