We always want more. Isn’t that the fundamental human experience? Always feeling inadequate, unfulfilled, like something’s missing. We could have the whole world and everything in it, and it still …
Urdu and Arabic: My People and My Faith
Like many young Muslims in this country, I’m second-generation American. My parents immigrated to this country in the ‘90s, and me and my siblings grew up as third culture kids …
Niqab: For You, Ya Rabbi
I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. My mother, exhausted from having given birth, and my father, staring in shock, could only watch on as the …
My Intention, My Reward
I was speaking to a good friend the other day and she asked me something that really made me reflect. She asked, “If you weren’t born Muslim, do you think …
Egypt: A Journey of Reflection
I visited Egypt recently, a country rich in history and desperate to preserve the monuments that attest to this reality. I saw tombs from over 3,000 years ago, dug deep …
Legacy: The Prophetic Way
Prophet Muhammad (s) was born in an uncivilized society, and through the message of Islam, he educated, reformed, and refined that society. Idol-worship had been rampant, the poor were oppressed …
From Zigzags to the Straight Path — Part Two
Part one of this article covered five Names of Allah, and here are an additional six. To reiterate what I wrote in part one: the Names that I’ve chosen to …
From Zigzags to the Straight Path— Part One
It started with the innocent musings of a child. I would look at the lines that zig-zagged across the palms of my hands. On my left hand, two lines cross …
Nature: Calling Us to Our Creator
Take a moment. Walk outside. Feel the welcoming embrace of a bed of grass. Allow the gentle breeze to whisper the secrets of the universe into your ear. Let the …