In the Quran, Allah SWT said, “It is He who sent His messenger with guidance and the religion of truth so that He makes it prevail over all religions even …
Remaining Steadfast
With the chaos and busyness of everyday life, it’s important for us to remain firm in our faith, to stand strong and upright without wavering in our beliefs. We also …
The Prophet’s Sunnah: Empowering the Disenfranchised
Denying individuals their full rights and privileges and their full participation in society is hardhearted. So it is very significant that Allah SWT addressed Rasoolullah in the Qur’an: “We have …
Laying the Foundation for The Ummah
Allah SWT has sent about 124,000 Prophets and Messengers throughout history but there is something special about Rasoolullah (peace be upon him). All previous Prophets came only to preach to …
Character Building: The Essence of a Believer
All praises are for Allah, Lord of all that exists; and peace and blessings of Allah be on His final messenger and his household. Character is the solid foundation of …
Reminder About the End Times: How Should Muslims Respond?
All praises are for Allah, The Almighty, and may His peace and blessing be upon His true servant and final Messenger, Muhammad, on his companions and his household. A very …
The Prophet’s (s) Strategy for Bringing About Change
All praises are for Allah, The Almighty, and may His peace and blessing be upon His true servant and final Messenger Muhammad, on his Companions, and his family. One of …
The Coronavirus Beyond the Fiqhi Discourse
All praises are for Allah, The Almighty, and may His peace and blessing be upon His true servant and final Messenger Muhammad, his Companions and his household. The world is …
Purifying Your Intentions
All praises are for Allah, The Almighty, and may His peace and blessing be upon His true servant and final Messenger Muhammad, on his Companions, and on his household. This …
Ramadan: A Special Time for Special Deeds
Ramadan! 2017! …1438! …It’s fasting time! …All Praises are for Allah, the Almighty, and may His peace and blessing be upon His true servant and final Messenger Muhammad, on his …