It started with the innocent musings of a child. I would look at the lines that zig-zagged across the palms of my hands. On my left hand, two lines cross …
The Five Necessities
The conversation never gets old. Two parents are standing at the edge of the Masjid, on the verge of losing their kids to the crowd. It appears that the influence …
Muslim Youth: Developing Leaders for Today and Tomorrow
“The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow.” This concept has been drilled into our heads. Both in Islamic contexts and elsewhere, we hear about youth potential and how …
Want Your Child to Grow in Confidence, Maturity, and Responsibility?
Want Your Child to Grow in Confidence, Maturity, and Responsibility? Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Make [things] easy, not difficult…” (Bukhari). He (pbuh) also said, “Woe to those who exaggerate [who …
Protecting Our Muslim Youth in a Gender-fluid and Hyper-sexual Society
When I was invited to write an article about preparing youth for marriage, I eagerly agreed. I was excited to tackle the topic, not because this has become my field …
Detecting Early Signs of Risk in Our Youth
Young children and teens today are bombarded from all around them via fellow peers, enticing ads, music, movies, and more, all calling them to engage in harmful behaviors. They are …
It’s Your Life – Balance It with Your Faith
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with life — school, career choices, family, friends, social activism, political involvement, worship, etc. Sometimes you just wonder, “where is the right balance.” Being a …
Seeking His Shade: Growing up in the Worship of God
Have you ever heard the saying — Youth is wasted on the young? Those of us who can still lay claim to being young often have no real sense of …
Family Life in Islam
The late Imam Apha-Him Jobe served on the ICNA National Shura. He was widely known across Muslim communities in North America for his taqwa, humility, knowledge, and wisdom. Born in …
Manage Your Time and Your Life
Whoever wishes to achieve something worthwhile in life needs to first change himself/herself. The change has to begin with self?improvement and self?discipline. A man who gets organized and disciplined …