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The Tea Party’s Dangerous Agenda

From 1831 until 1840, French political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville traveled throughout the United States recording his observations of the religious, social, and political life of the American people. His …

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Understanding Shariah Law

In the past year, a group of conservative pundits and analysts have identified Shariah, or Islamic religious law, as a growing threat to the United States. These pundits and analysts …

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Reform and Objectives of Shariah

Reform, in Arabic, islah, does not specifically appear in the list of maqasid (objectives of Shariah) in the writings of early scholars. The possible reason for this is that early …

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Understanding Shariah

Shariah is not limited to societal laws and a penal system. It includes divine directives regarding every aspect of a Muslim’s life. Referring to Shariah simply as “Islamic law” is …

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What Everyone Should Know About Shariah

The newest buzzword these days is ‘Shariah.’ As several states scramble to pass legislation to outlaw Shariah, a hyped fear and persistent confusion surrounds this loaded term. Most people who …

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Refuting Islamophobia

On the same day as anti-Islamic rhetoric intensified in the wake of a train blast by terrorists in Russia, the FBI was unraveling a scheme by another terrorist group, the …

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Living Within Our Means

We live in an age of extremism. No, not just violent manifestations of extremism that the media tends to focus on almost exclusively. Extremism of every kind: from the way …