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Muslims Unite for Mexico

When Nouman Ali Khan, founder and professor at Bayyinah Institute, is not teaching intensive Arabic classes, engaging the youth in various masajid in Texas, touring the country making his program …

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Dialogue with the People of the Book

God most high has revealed in chapter Mumtahana of the Qur’an two explicit verses which could be considered as the basis for the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. These verses …

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Stamp out Hunger

Amongst the most basic needs of human existence is sustenance. God talks about this in different places in the Qur’an, emphasizing that all people must eat and drink and that …

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Why Know Muhammad? (pbuh)

History has catalogued many successful leaders. Some have been great in military affairs, others in political governance. Many of them, however, were self-serving and quite willing to use cunning, deception, …