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‘Like Holding a Burning Coal’

For this article, five Muslim mothers confided in me, sharing their concerns, frustrations, and wishes with regards to their children’s practice of Islam. Most chose to remain anonymous, and so …

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Faithful Listening: A Gift of Yourself

Many parents want to improve their communication with their teenage children. As general guidelines, parents should always ensure that channels of communication stay open, that they focus more on positives …

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Amerian Muslim Women’s Conference

Women from across the nation attended ICNA Sisters’ first ever American Muslim Women’s Conference Saturday, Oct. 7, in Chantilly, Virginia to talk about “Changing the Narrative” of Muslim women in …

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A Lifetime of Service

In 1987, he walked 2500 km across the Arabian Peninsula in order to perform Hajj and collect funds for a charitable hospital in Karachi. He was 66 years old. In …

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A Woman of True Submission to God

Maimunah bint Al-Harith became one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) seven years after the Muslims’ emigration from Makkah to Madinah (known to Muslims as the …

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The Female Scholars of Islam

“O Mankind! Fear your Lord who has created you from a single soul, and from it He created its mate; and from them both, He brought forth multitudes of men …