
Searching porn on internet

Published January 12, 2011

By Editor

What should a mother do when she finds out her son has been searching for pornography on the internet?

A by Imam Jawad Ahmed: First of all, the mother should not confront the child head on because this will cause the child to become rebellious and do this evil act more in secrecy. Secondly, the mother needs to tackle this issue with love, affection and by understanding the cause of this problem. Therefore, she needs to sit down and have a very open, heart to heart talk with her son alone and not in front of anyone. She should ask him in a nice way why he did such an act, and make him realize the dangers and consequences of this act, including quotes of ayat from Quran about “fahishah” and ahadith of Prophet (saw) about the punishment of the eye for bad deeds.

Next she should restrict Internet access for the son at home, or allow usage only under her supervision until he regains her trust. Of course, she should put parental control and filters on the Internet to block such sites, and at the same time monitor her son’s friends and weed out the bad ones who might have incited this act in her child.

Finally, she needs to enroll her son in Islamic activities and classes in the masjid and local community, so her son does not have any “free” time to waste on Internet surfing. If all this does not help, then she can apply “grounding” rules or taking back certain privileges from her son until he shows improvement. Of course she should pray to Allah in tahajjud for saving her son from such evils, and also make sure her son is regular in prayers and recitation of the Quran on daily basis.
May Allah protect our children from Satan and his tricks, Ameen!


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